Recenti ed insistenti rumors affermano che l'inserimento dei Litecoin sulla piattaforma MtGox sia sempre più certa. La mia personale opinione è che bisognerà aspettare ancora qualche mese (Dicembre/Gennaio). Sarebbe una notizia strepitosa per tutti quelli che credono in questa cripto moneta. Questo il comunicato stampa ufficiale di MtGox di qualche giorno fa:
Dear Customers,
As we have announced yesterday on October 10th, we had made server
maintenance that was aimed at fixing the issues we had with our database
which was causing it to lag (occasionally) for up to 10~15 minutes at a
time (causing the site to be down for that duration).
Since May 2013 we have been planning to implement a new infrastructure
using the best hardware available, and have finally reached the point
where we are ready to launch.
Due to more frequent issues with our database, and as the 10Gbps adapter
on our old server started having problems (random packet loss, etc), we
deemed it necessary to implement the new infrastructure and organized
this emergency maintenance.
Some highlights of the new infrastructure:
- 70Gbps internet uplink
- Directly connected to Akamai, to ensure that DDOS attacks cannot take our site offline
- Up to 240Gbps internal bandwidth between our routers (meshed 40Gbps links)
- Fully redundant network
- Each server has two 10Gbps uplinks to two different routers
- Database stored on Violin Memory arrays (6000 series)
- All servers directly ordered from Dell, with redundant power supplies
Thanks to the Violin Memory storage arrays we are able to achieve very
high storage bandwidth and access speed (i.e.. in terms of how fast it
goes, not only how much data can go through) that reduces the load of
our database administrators a great deal.
Finally, the implementation of this new infrastructure is a prerequisite
before we can initiate Midas. There is still a lot of work to be done
before we can launch Midas but rest assured this is a priority project
for us. Once Midas is up and running we will be able to offer the
trading of other digital currencies.
The Mt.Gox Team
Tutto sui Bitcoin, Litecoin e monete matematiche. Hardware e software per minare, consigli sul trading e sulla compravendita di beni e servizi.
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